Prepositions in Kannada | Learn prepositions in Kannada

Through this lesson learn prepositions in Kannada. Prepositions in Kannada are explained through words, short sentences and a video

Prepositions in Kannada | Learn prepositions in Kannada

prepositions in Kannada

On / Above: Mele
For example,
Apple is on the box : Apple box melide.

In front of: eduru / munde
For example,
Apple is in front of the box : Apple box na eduru ide or munde ide.

In between: madhya
For example, 
Apple is in between the box : Apple box gala madhya ide.

Behind: Hinde
For example, 
Apple is behind the box : Apple box na hinde ide.

Below: Kelage
For example, 
Apple is below the box : Apple box na kelage ide.

to the right of: balagade / balakke
For example, 
Apple is to the right of the box : Apple box na balakke ide.

to the left of: edagade / edakke
For example, 
Apple is to the left of the box : Apple box na edakke ide.

Inside: olagade
For example, 

Apple is inside the box : Apple box na olagade ide.

Near: hattira
For example, 

Apple is near the box : Apple box na hattira ide.

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